Wednesday, July 17, 2013

@JedsFans' timeline on Twitter


  1. I'm living vicariously through you all ... don't fuck up.
  2. Every time a hot guy calls me ma'am a little piece of my hooha dries up and discharges a dust bunny :/
  3. Sometimes I think Twitter needs a room mom.
  4. The evidence was staggering. Either it was dehydrated.. Or the pudding was about 80 proof.
  5. “This is the Send All, my friends,” ~Jim Morrison, on some ancient highway pretending toy cash register is a computer, probably
  6. Bing doesn’t like me. It has no idea why. Couldn’t figure it out if it tried, either.
  7. The children of the corn were gassy. They stunk up the whole bunker. Ethanol in the family.
  8. I have created a monster. A not unattractive monster, but a monster nonetheless.
  9. This one time I tweeted about shit and didn't give a fuck about stars.
  10. No, there isn’t a ‘right’ way to do twitter. It’s a pretty stupid habit any way it’s done.
  11. I like how Domino's tells me who made my pizza because I like to know exactly whose balls I'm tasting.
  12. The sense of urgency is weak with this one.
  13. If you came here to poison the water with your hate you will not succeed. Most here drink vodka and give no fucks for the likes of you.
  14. I'm not addicted to twitter I am, however, addicted to the people on twitter
  15. I once was able to answer every question on a school psych test with "your mom."
  16. Sometimes I take pictures and don't put them on instagram
  17. thou shalt not covet the penthouse suite so much that you scale balconies at 3am dressed like a zombie pirate from blackbeard's ship.
  18. I wonder if Soft Kitty and Smelly Cat are pals in real life?
  19. We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be. - Kurt Vonnegut
  20. "I'm feeling super sonnets. Give me gin and tonic." ~Liam Shakespeare
  21. I had a lot on my plate. Up until about a minute ago. Now, I need to put on some shoes, and see if I can find the broom.
  22. In dream, I asked James Joyce to explain his inane book rambles. He began to talk down at me until, I kinda bumped into his ladder.
  23. ThePoint of no return,hasn't warning signs when U passin'it Sometimes it has smilin'faces knocking on your back with compliment,but no signs
  24. Defend you? Pfft. Not if it'll cost me my Favstar status.
  25. You know what's wrong with Twitter? Not a goddamn thing.
  26. The future's putting words in my mind. And feeding me Hunchberries. Like a Cap'n.
  27. On magic mushrooms, I use my electric organ, Advanced Math and Beginner Spanish to combine 3.14 with the word, year, to make a piano.
  28. Sounds like it's coming from old people's butts, but just once I wish you wouldn't look at me like I'm nuts. They're smuggling ducks.
  29. Your skepticism about the earth being hollow makes it impossible for me to explain anything to you.
  30. I think I need more light in my dark.
  31. I had stayed with the impression that gay people are smarter than others.This obsession with marriage,proves me solemnly that I was wrong.
  32. Some wonderful informal logic from Tim Minchin: Ah, the old post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy; a classic.
  33. People will forget what you said, people will forget what you do, but people will never forget how you made them feel. - Jason Barger ♥
  34. I do have an advantage in that I own my own dumb truck.
  35. Whenever I get so mad that I just wanna kick a puppy, I remember about the kitten. # kicksareforkitties :) # licksarefortitties ;)
  36. ~ "The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any." ~ Alice Walker
  37. "You're one stinky shit." "You stink more than I do." "Your mama doesn't even stink this bad." "Your mama does." (shit talking shit)
  38. The path I'm traveling likely ends at that Curtain Number 3 up ahead, & behind it, a lifetime supply of canned cream corn awaits me.
  39. They wandered in the forest till they ran into a white haired man with a smile face who beckoned them to join him on his idiot log. They did
  40. You'd appreciate this tweet way more if you could see how handsome I am.
  41. tinsel hair & a robotic emerald eye catching creepers as they tried 2 undress her with their mortal eyes her giggles turned them into flies
  42. i learned quickly that you say ok when someone asks how you are and not numb
  43. All of Helen Hunt's roles require extensive nudity because Tom Hanks is still mad at her for not waiting when he was stuck on that island.
  44. Life can take you almost anywhere. And here we are.
  45. You know those tweets that are guaranteed to bomb? Trust me, you should send those instead.
  46. After 20 minutes of thinking I had something to say.. I actually don't And that kids is how great tweets form
  47. I'm just puttin this out there.. But.. Some of y'all are still the same self righteous assholes you've always been.. Good for you
  48. Had to get up early to pick up boxes....imagine that.....and I already have one.
  49. Under the twitter logo should write the motto: "Nothing it is as it looks like" (unless of course if used by CIA already,I don't know)
  50. While on my morning walk at the beach, I noticed both the sun & moon were out watching me. Can't help but think, something bizarre's comin'!
  51. Whenever I see DM for Direct Message, I think DM for Deep & Meaningful.
  52. Playing no pressure really slow Sambas at a lunatic asylum sounds fun. I could jam in the corner while they walk in circles & do puzzles.
  53. Oh, just laying here balancing quarters on my wiener. What you guys doin'?
  54. Nothing screams "I'm lonely" like I just did in the parking lot to a squirrel.
  55. I'd totally go to a tweetup. You all seem like normal well-adjusted individuals.
  56. Walked outside and let the wind blow my mattress hair back into place. Today’s to-do list is now complete.
  57. I'm in love with your love.
  58. Twitter is my treehouse.
  59. Just over here, maintaining my dragononymity.
  60. i kissd a prince he became frog 'das waat im talkin bout' say i
  61. Multiple accounts, pretending and interacting with their other accounts. You always tell on yourselves. Keep going. Please. Eats popcorn*
  62. Spring: the time of year where our gloves, I mean, clothes start to come off.
  63. "Well yeah, it's half empty, but it's a huge glass."
  64. After a certain age, or level of logic and social responsibility, a man with a vasectomy just becomes so desirable and sexy.
  65. So Beyonce is basically saying drink Pepsi if you want to be irritating?
  66. I'm still trying to understand why Twitter lets you reply to your own tweet. It's like they think schizophrenia is a goal.
  67. I used to work for a guy who always said,"I love it when a plan comes together." We hid the men's room key from him a lot.
  68. I'm tryin'not use credit card.Not by dogmatism.I can’t stand the guilts that follow,who giggling ironically like a flock of bimbos in myHead
  69. i want to be a secret agent like Bond, James Bond, but more secret. like not introducing myself everywhere i go secret.
  70. Slight nipple tshirt pointers, check! Slight camel toe jog pants, Check! slutty sparkling joggers eyes, check! She is off beach running.
  71. I miss hitting eight different stores with a fat wad of food stamps & buying cheap candy to get enough change for my mom to buy smokes.
  72. There's this guy at work who either has done every illicit drug known to man or artichokes make him giddy.
  73. The Kennedys started out as bootleggers. Jay-Z sold crack. (This sounded funny in my head.) Where'm I going with this? JayFK-Z. whom whaa
  74. If i dont do stupid things while im young, i wont have any funny stories when im old. Its called planning for my future.
  75. 'I don't think there's a place where people understand loneliness more than here.'
  76. The ballet slippers hanging above my headboard really have to go. If anything I should tape a gutted chip bag up there.
  77. You guys told me to cut loose the soul-sucking people in my life so I did but they keep ringing the doorbell and yelling "Mommy, let us in."
  78. Fact: The guy in charge of putting pepperoni's on frozen pizza is also in charge of determining your tax return. The more you know...
  79. My boss says I should "do tweets" during my lunch hour. He's so fucking stupid.
  80. Just FYI, you guys are my drinking buddies.
  81. Sometimes I'll drive through the car wash just to feel alive
  82. I only hug people who have TV's behind them.
  83. My Twitter crush is orange. Get it? Orange Crush? No, YOUR jokes are stupid.
  84. I was going to live tweet this Tom & Jerry cartoon where a deranged monkey painter caused a zoo panic by painting Tom as a tiger, but nah.
  85. I liked a video Sandra Bernhard On George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight: INTERVIEW
  86. I would imagine from tv ads that a lot of you are impotent and have foot fungus and sleep disorders. Sorry y'all.
  87. My own tribe won't let me in.
  88. Me: 'Stop flicking my penis!' Her: 'Then stop putting your penis in my soup.'
  89. If a plane is flying over Mexico, with 30 people, 5 penguins and the mangos are ripe. What is the value of 'X' if Lady Gaga is seated in 5A?
  90. I typed this tweet using nothing but my penis and a pencil.
  91. I tuck my vest into my underwear so I stay young in spirit if not physically.
  92. Getting your ass kicked & picked on as a little kid is good for ur character but REALLY bad for people who end up working for u as an adult.
  93. Lately, I've been the anchor holding the family in place. The old barnacle filled half corroded anchor, but I still work.
  94. If you could teach your child one thing, teach them how to take a fucking joke on Twitter.
  95. If a zombie ate my brains, it would starve to death! Haha see I'm implying I have no brains but zombies can't die see how dumb I am? lol omg
  96. Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no ones definition of your life, define yourself~H Firestone
  97. I just go out in public to give strangers more opportunities to judge me
  98. All begins in chaos until that one random action creates order, petals crowd together and suddenly, a rose.
  99. Arguments FOR prop 8: Complicated, Long Winded, Logically Fallacious. Arguments AGAINST Prop 8: Equal Rights. I call Occam on this.
  100. Isn't it refreshing to know that we will all go down in history as the great philosophers of our time?
  101. The fuckery in this Walmart self checkout line is palpable.
  102. I gave up chocolate too for Lent which is why the kids are getting headless bunnies tomorrow :/ well that and because fuck them ..!..
  103. I see I've still got my 5 star average *rolls eyes* ..!..
  104. It's confusing when someone retweets something smart.
  105. Wait a minute! The new Pope jacked the old Pope's Twitter account. So much for THAT commandment.
  106. I know I left the washing on the line all night if I see a news report looking for a guy wearing a Zombie Tshirt & a pair of frilly panties.
  107. Still waiting to be chosen as someone's date to the Twitter Prom, you guys. Just letting you know.
  108. Sometimes I retweet your subtweets as a subtweet back to you. You know who you are. Jim
  109. I will crush your pixie girlfriend between my real girl thighs.
  110. I like to wear a t-shirt with a big cookie on it that says "I Eat Carbs" to the gym. Thug Life
  111. Appreciate without comparing.
  112. I fell in-love all over again with someone I am already madly in-love with & broke my hip. Kidding, I was trying to to do a keg stand.
  113. Complain, complain, complain about watered down beer. Drink, drink, drink when it's free.
  114. Please don't tell the cat he doesn't rule the world. I want to break it to him slowly, like I did with Diana Ross, and Sarah Palin.
  115. Internet was down for a while but now I'm back to join the crazies .......
  116. Looking back, I think it was my failure to get his Star Wars reference that put the final nail in that particular coffin. There is no try.
  117. not even noon and i've pissed off another family member. they're dropping like freakin flies.
  118. Sometimes you win, sometimes you slap them upside the head.
  119. Some labels are unfortunate. I am wearing a shirt with the label: "big fit". The "f" looks like a "t". I don't want to labelled that.
  120. I’m in the mood to RT all kinds of stupid shit.
  121. One more picture tweet and I'm blocki....."Oh, what a cute kitty. What's his name?"
  122. My boss wants to know what I do all day and I'm thinking of being honest, getting fired, and starting a commune.
  123. Always have to resist the urge to end messages to my boss with "Now leave me alone."
  124. How many Retweets does it take to ruin a time line? The answer is 0.
  125. Ciabatta? More like Don'tbatta. Haha! Stupid bread.
  126. My boss says he's finding ways to cut costs. So he hired this expensive financial consultant to help the company out.
  127. I know lightsabers don't necessarily need a sheath, but can I be yours anyway??
  128. Just saw The Expendables 2. Very strong on explosions and hand to hand combat, but seriously lacking in kickflips.
  129. It was awkward and a little intimidating the way your demons effortlessly swallowed my demons.
  130. I upgraded Twotter on my phone last night. Apparently I am the only one who read most of last nights Tweets. One or two were really good.
  131. Just added "cock sucking enthusiast " in my new resume . Even though its only a hobby
  132. Maybe I don't WANT to do good tweets..
  133. Half the bad decisions I make are just because I’m hungry, but the rest are simply normal everyday bad decisions.
  134. Sometimes you just have to stand in the middle of the street and scream.
  135. I really don't think I'm getting enough attention here. I think I need a site where I get more attention plus a little validation.
  136. Do anything for love? I’d do anything for a life size snow man made of mashed potatoes that ejaculates gravy.
  137. If you can't think of anything to tweet, retweet.
  138. Some people draw strength from sacred places residing deep within each one of you. Keep your light shining to guide them home.
  139. I'm sick of hearing boy bands whine on the radio while I'm cleaning the floors at KFC.
  140. "If I follow someone, I expect them to follow me in return. If not, I stop following," -- also my religion policy.
  141. Getting family to unfriend you on fb is harder than you'd think.
  142. anyone can learn from their mistakes, i like to be different.
  143. If you dig deep enough, there are lots of fresh tweets from great tweeters. Dig.
  144. Try not to mistake lust for love. Real love that lasts a lifetime is filled with more laughter and kindness than tears.
  145. My dancing shoes are orthopedic to correct a second left foot.
  146. Must spend less time with my dogs. Haven't bitten the mailman yet but I am starting to circle three times before sitting down.
  147. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have taken the apartment on Wherehopecomestodie Ave.
  148. I'm going to have whatever kinda day 7 bucks and a bad attitude gets me.
  149. I once rapped into a fan and sounded like Lil Wayne. *Drops the mic and fan*
  150. so as it turns out raccoons aren't as nice in real life as they are in cartoons.
  151. Am I wrong to describe Twitter to a friend as a "massive online burrito update system"?
  152. Sweet dreams & enjoy this day. ☼ You can't change yesterday but you can ruin today worrying about tomorrow ~ George Dewiliby
  153. Priorities, said the cat and went back to sleep
  154. Maybe- its not about the happy end of life or the story etc, but about the stuff in the middle and how hard you try to make the best of it ?
  155. Been on Twotter for 6 or 7 months, still don't know what I'm doing. So I tried FavStar. Great, now I don't know what I'm doing in 2 places.
  156. I'm just here to find out how many cupcakes you ate, how much booze you can handle, and hear you rave about all the sex you're not having.
  157. I retweet a lot because it keeps me from hooking.
  158. Kindness is sexy.
  159. Words are like currency. Value is based on the faith in the issuer.
  160. It's just my eyes, nose, phone & fingers sticking out from the covers. So awesome. I'm cozy. You can't see me. It's like we're not here.
  161. Try 2 explain Twitter 2 friend. Fact I am followed by horse, 3 dogs, cat, brown paper bag and a vegetable I don't recognise, doesn't help.
  162. I've already eaten my monthly allotment of nuts.
  163. I'm practicing my chi control by using my subtle body to interact with my touchscreen. And my vibrator. And the remote. And my chi-chis. :-D
  164. Excellence is not an act but a habit. The things you do the most are the things you will do the best. ~Marve Collins ♥
  165. Listening to Piers Morgan debate gun control is like questioning the route of a colonic cleanse.
  166. caring, because someone has to.
  167. Pretty stoked about the progression of Taylor Swift's new relationship.
  168. Keep retweeting me until I'm famous so that I can unfollow all of you guys and only follow my new celebrity friends.
  169. Tweet as if 99% of your followers don't read your tweets, because it's true.
  170. Maybe the stars you get have nothing to do with how good your tweets are, and everything to do with you awarding heaps of stars.
  171. I wrote a really funny tweet about Hope. Then I realized that Hope was the only thing some people have, and that tweet wasn't funny at all.
  172. Dammit. Favstar is being a dick. I'll try to get some more stars out later to all you lovelies
  173. You know that one that unfollows during the night and somehow sneaks back in the next day? I'm gonna catch that lil' bastard 4 you 4 Xmas.
  174. New Tweets Daily ~ "Your life becomes the thing you have decided it shall be." – Raymond Charles Barker
  175. ♥ "The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity." – Amelia Earhart
  176. All men of action are dreamers. ~James Huneker, ♒

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